Senin, 19 Mei 2008
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Point to Point
50 km link, as low as $598!
Connect Up to 100 clients!
Backbone + AP
High speeds at distant sites!
DOUBLE the Speed!
High-speed wireless systems are used to provide internet access to end-users using point-to-point or point-to-multipoint architecture. Wireless data links take place where there is no infrastructure for internet access or in places where bandwidth offered by current channels is too low. With our wireless equipment you can get high bandwidth on a very long distances at very reasonable price. Our equipment provides various features including firewall, NAT, VPN, Bandwidth Management, QoS and many more.
Why choose Mikrotik?
* Cost effective solution
* High-speed wireless data links (Up to 108Mbps)
* Connection distance up to 70 km without repeater sites.
* IP - NAT, Routing, DHCP
* Security - Firewall, Secure Tunnels
* Control - Queues, Proxy, Accounting, HotSpot
* Fast and simple installation for base station and clients
* Reliable and instant 24 hour internet access
Basic requirements to create a wireless links are:
* Direct Line of sight between both points of presence
* Distance between points of presence is:
o up to 25 km for point-to-multipoint links
o up to 70 km for point-to-point links
* Use of 2.4 or 5.2-5.8 GHz solutions according to the local regulations. In some countries obtaining a special license might be required.
Our wireless systems come with Mikrotik RouterOS software preinstalled. RouterOS will enable you to use many features such as: firewall, NAT, bandwidth management, different kinds of tunnels, HotSpot and others.
Point to Point link
Point-to-point links
PtP links are an excellent way how to make connections between two sites and achieve high data transfer speeds. This is an ideal way how to connect two offices. Also these type of wireless links are very useful if you need to create backbone link from some distant radio access point to your main Internet source. For creating such connections we recommend to use our 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz wireless client kits.
A customer from Bulgaria reports:
"This 35Mbit at 57km is with non-turbo mode, unidirectional, with random-data=no. Machines on both ends are 700MHz C3. During the test, both routers (that have few more Atheros interfaces each), were not transporting traffic."
To make this setup, you can use:
2.4 GHz:
(RB/2018) 2.4Ghz Integrated Router Antenna
5 GHz:
(RIC/522C) 5.1-5.8Ghz Integrated Router Antenna (with RB/133c)
(RIC/522T) 5.1-5.8Ghz Integrated Router Antenna (with RB/333)
(RB/RPO) 5GHz Client Package
Click here for setup instructions
Point to Multipoint link
Point-to-multipoint setup
PtM connections are the most usual way how wireless ISPs connect their customers. They put access point somewhere high in the tower above the city or on some high building and then point their client antennas to this access point.
To make this setup, you can use:
2.4 GHz Clients
(RB/2018) 2.4Ghz Integrated Router Antenna
2.4 GHz Access Points:
(RB/KAO) 2.4GHz Access Point Package
5 GHz Clients:
(RIC/522C) 5.1-5.8Ghz Integrated Router Antenna (with RB/133c)
(RIC/522T) 5.1-5.8Ghz Integrated Router Antenna (with RB/333)
(RB/RPO) 5GHz Client Package
5 GHz Access Points:
(RB/APO) 5GHz Access Point Package
Click here for setup instructions
Backbone link + AP
Backbone link + AP
This is a point to multi-point link with additional wireless cards and antenna for a backbone connection. Such links are useful when creating a WISP infrastructure, for example you have main Internet source with 5 GHz base station and lots of 2.4 GHz clients in various sides of the city. Such kits can be but in localized parts of the city and contain 2.4 GHz omnidirectional antenna and 5 GHz directional antenna to main base station.
To make this setup, you can use:
for example:
(RB/B2O) 5GHz Access Point Package with 22dbi Directional Antenna
Click here for setup instructions
Nstreme2 link
Nstreme and Nstreme2
These are MikroTik proprietary wireless protocols to achieve outstanding performance on a very long range links. Regular wireless links will have large time delays for data traveling on a long distances, with nstreme you do not have to worry about this anymore.
Nstreme 2 goes even further by using two wireless cards in each end - one for transmit and one for receive.
Our customers have links of 60 km and speed of 35 Mbps without turbo mode.
A customer from Bulgaria reports:
"65 km, AR5213, 37 Mbit with n-streme (TCP test), We're using 2.4 GHz proccesors or better, 5GHz-turbo mode"
To make this setup, you can use:
* Two PCs with Celeron 700 or higher
* Four Atheros PCI wireless cards with pigtails
* Four antennas
* Two IDE flash disks with latest version of RouterOS software.
Click here for setup instructions
WDS link
WDS (Wireless Distribution System) is the best way how to interconnect many access points and allow users to move around without getting disconnected from network. Using this system you can cover large areas and allow users to move for large distances while still being on-line. This system allows packets to pass from one wireless AP (Access Point) to another, just as if the APs were ports on a wired Ethernet switch. APs must use the same standard (802.11a, 802.11b or 802.11g) and work on the same frequencies in order to connect to each other.
To make this setup, you can use:
for example:
(RB/APO) 5GHz Access Point Package
(RB/KAO) 2.4GHz Access Point Package
Click here for setup instructions
Sabtu, 17 Mei 2008
Selasa, 13 Mei 2008
Bagian pada red hat
Cd writer : Pengertian CD writer adalah suatu software yang berguna untuk menyalin atau mengcopy file atau memindahkan file yang tersimpan di dalam komputer ke dalam sebuah CD.
Floppy Formatter : Adalah suatu sistem yang terdapat pada LINUX ataupun Windows yang mempunyai fungsi yang sama yaitu untuk menformat floppy disk.
Prin Manager: adalah aplikasi dimana akses print tersebut di atur oleh print manager dengan kata lain print manager dapat di sebut pengatur print.
Sistem Logs :Direktori yang mengandung system log files. Mereka diupdate saat sistem berjalan, dan mengecek log file ini bisa memberi informasi berharga mengenai kesehatan sistem. Jika sistem tiba-tiba ada yang tidak beres, file log bisa mengandung beberapa informasi mengenai situasi tersebut.
Dekstop Switching Tools : adalah suatu perintah comment yang terdapat di linux yang berfungsi untuk meremote komputer lain tanpa sepengetahuan si pemakai
Terminal: adalah Peralatan yang mengakses layanan melalui jaringan yang sifatnya remote atau terpisah melalui sebuah saluran telekomunikasi.Linux memiliki enam terminal atau konsol ketika berjalan dalam modus teks. Artinya, kita dapat menjalankan aplikasi atau kegiatan berbeda-beda untuk tiap terminal dan dalam waktu bersamaan. Untuk berpindah dari satu terminal ke terminal lain, dapat menekan kombinasi tombol ALT + F1 hingga F6.Terminal ketujuh umumnya digunakan oleh X Server. Jadi, jika X Server sebelumnya telah aktif dan tidak dibunuh,kita tinggal menekan tombol ALT + F7 untuk kembali ke tampilan grafis.Terminal yang disinggung di atas adalah terminal dalam modus teks.Terminal juga dapat digunakan dalam lingkungan grafis. Untuk membuka
terminal di desktop GNOME milik Edubuntu, klik menu Applications > Accessories > Terminal pada panel atas.Terminal sepertinya memang diperuntukkan bagi para profesional. Tetapi ketika kita mengetahui cara kerja dan manfaatnya, kita akan sering menggantungkan diri pada baris perintah ini. Kita dapat mengeksekusi program, membuka file, hingga melakukan manajemen berkas melaluitampilannya yang sederhana.Linux memiliki lebih dari 2000 perintah ketika menjalankan terminal.Kita tidak perlu menghapal semuanya, hanya beberapa yang kita anggap
penting dan sering kita gunakan.Sebuah tips ketika menggunakan terminal. Kita bisa mengetikkan beberapa huruf awal perintah, disusul dengan menekan tombol ESC atau TAB sekali atau beberapa kali. Cobalah untuk memasukkan karakter apada terminal.Disusul menekan ESC atau TAB(Edubuntu mendukung tombol TAB). Apabilamuncul sebuah pertanyaan, ketik y. Sebuahdaftar panjang akan muncul(semua perintah dengan awalan huruf a).Cara ini berguna apabila suatuketika kita lupa bentuk perintah secara lengkap, atau karena sekadar
malas mengetik.
Traceroute : adalah Bagian dari protokol TCP/IP yang populer digunakan para administrator jaringan untuk mengidentifikasi alur/rute antara dua buah mesin/komponen jaringan dan untuk memeriksa kontribusi dari tiap komponen tersebut ke keseluruhan Round Trip Time.
Dikirim Tak Berkategori pada Februari 12, 2008 oleh boesoekBLOK UNIX
1.1 Pengantar UNIX dan Linux
UNIX adalah nama sebuah sistem operasi yang asal muasal dikembangkan pada Laboratorium Bell,AT&T.Sistem operasi adalah perangakat lunak computer yang mengatur danmengendalikan operasi dasar system kompuetr,UNIX terdiri atas sejumlah program(daftar intruksi untuk memperoleh hasil tertentu).Yang dirancang untuk mengontrol intraksi antara fungsi-fungsi pada mesin yang berasas rendah dengan program aplikasi.Tugas dari system operasi diantaranya:
1.Melakukan fungsi management system berkas
2.Mengendalikan berbagai sesumber pada sumber system,seperti disk dan printer
3.Mengatur pendahuluan proses-proses didalam system.